Skills You’ll Learn if You Study Computing

You will learn two types of skills:

  1. Technical computing skills
  2. General professional skills

In addition, depending on your interests you will acquire specialized domain knowledge such as business, medicine, or biology.

1.  Technical computing skills

  • Problem-solving ability, recognizing levels of abstraction in software, hardware systems, and multimedia
    • Practical skills such as building and using database management systems and other sophisticated software tools
    • Programming
    • Using existing software libraries to carry out a variety of computing tasks, such as creating a user interface
    • Being aware of the uses to which computers are put, recognizing issues to do with security, safety, etc.
    • Looking at innovative ways of using computers, creating tools, providing tools support, etc.

2.  General professional skills

  • Communicating in writing, giving effective presentations and product demonstrations, and being a good negotiator (both in traditional environments and electronically)
    • Preparing for a job search; this involves building an impressive curriculum vitae and basing this confidently on technical and other skills
    • Being an effective team member
    • Understanding the special requirements of a globally distributed project with participants from multiple cultures
    • Recognizing the challenges and opportunities of keeping skills up-to-date and understand how to do so
    • Literacy/fluency in computing; organizing all your professional information effectively