ACM’s educational activities, conducted primarily through our Education Committee, range from the K-12 space and two-year programs to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral-level education and professional development for computing practitioners at every stage of their career.
Key ACM Education Activities
The ACM education initiative produces and updates curricular recommendations in computer science, computer engineering, information systems, information technology, and software engineering are trusted resources utilized by computing programs worldwide.
Its education efforts also focus on providing guidance to and coordinating activities with countries and regions that prioritize computing education, monitoring the international landscape, and responding to significant developments as necessary.
ACM conducts studies such as the NDC Study of non-doctoral granting departments in computing, which generates annual data on enrollment and degree production and demographic data on the student body and faculty composition.
Grassroots activities support meeting challenges in computing education, such as broadening participation, increasing diversity, and increasing capacity in the face of higher enrollments.
ACM sponsors the Learning at Scale (L@S) Conference, which promotes interdisciplinary research at the intersection of the learning sciences and computer science, inspired by the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
ACM also collaborates and shares information with affiliate groups on activities such as accreditation, computing education research, etc.
Professional Development
The ACM Learning Center provides online learning resources (books, courses, video tutorials, and TechTalks) for ACM members and the extended computing community.
ACM supports and develops these products and services with expert guidance from the Professional Development Committee, overseen by the ACM Practitioner Board. Central to these activities is promoting computing as a profession, including the practice’s technical, social, and ethical aspects.